Laura-Madeleine Engler, Best Bachelor Professional of Photography
Hey! I am Laura-Madeleine Engler, I am 34 years old and I am living with my husband, two dogs and two cats in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
More than half of my life, since 18 years, I devote myself to professional photography and image editing. Since 14 years I am fully trained photographer. In 2021 I achieved the title Bachelor Professional of Photography and I am a member of the CV (federation of german professional photographers).
I decided to use my nickname LAMA, owing to my surname the Lama grow wings.
I enjoy my freedom as a visual artist: no preset, no limits.
Finalist in the "students and young photographers" category at the FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year Awards 2019.
Winner FEP Young Photographer Award 2020 with the series of 9 images "plastic age".
Selected exhibitior at the international photo festival "Lens op de Mens 2021" in Pelt, Belgium.
Bachelor Professional of Photography.
I was honored as Best Bachelor Professional of Photography.
2023: Selected exhibitior at the international photo festival "Lens op de Mens 2023" in Pelt, Belgium.
FEP European Advertising and Commercial Merit Award at the FEP European Professional Photographer of the Year Awards 2019 with the image "reflection".
I was honored as Talent 2024 in the category profession/hobby by the city Herbolzheim.
LAMA als Model fotografiert von: Moritz Kaschel, Maren Pauly, Lena Böhler, Lama Engler